Great Tree of Bossniri

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The Great Tree of Bossniri (formal name: Menara, the Great Tree of Bossnirivhonicanioklythorn) is a colossal tree located in eastern Lexighor in Khyorgan. The Wood Elves of the Ythulian Monarchy tended to the tree ever since early in Khyorgan's history, following elves' arrival from Valordyn. The Root Elves also dwelt below the ground among the World Tree's immense roots.


The Great Tree sprung into being when the Seed of Menara was planted in the region - the earliest recorded use of that particular Aard'Vorn. As such, it became the cornerstone of Wood Elf civilization for many thousands of years.

During the Demon Wars, much of the tree was burned by Colossus Demons. Countless Wood Elves died in defense of the tree. The tree was saved, and despite having been reduced in size a great deal, it remained alive, though its magical power was considerably weakened.