Golden Empire of Creation

The Golden Empire of Creation was the nation of the Abominations. It was based in Khyorgan and its influence and extent changed drastically over the course of its existence.
In the distant past of Khyorgan, a Primordial named Malcide sacrificed his body to create a race of his own - the Abominations. Even with the power he had sacrificed, Malcide's new race could not reproduce, and instead had to rely on salvaging from other living beings in order to create more Abominations. This trait soon brought them into conflict with other races.
Although the Abominations targeted the native races of Khyorgan, their existence had to be kept in equilibrium - if the Abominations killed too many of the Qilin, Sentinels, or Haazrade, they themselves would suffer as a consequence. The Golden Empire of Creation remained the most powerful polity during Khyorgan's early history.
But soon the status quo would shift as a great migration from Valordyn to Khyorgan would occur. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Maliekt, Byn'makha, and Enthvent would immigrate to Khyorgan and establish their own societies and colonies. Soon, the Abominations beset upon them. The Abominations would terrorize the new immigrant populations until the rise of the Interplanar Empires - the Empire of the Rising Sun, Empire of Shai-shan, Aurum Confederacy, and Segaran Technocracy. Using powerful Magitek, these empires would turn the tides of Abomination dominance and displace the Golden Empire of Creation as the most powerful influence in Khyorgan's geopolitical landscape.
Effectively being at war with every single civilization except for itself, all at the same time, having no external trade, and lacking technological advancements of other nations was taking its toll. Despite this, the prominence of the Golden Empire of Creation as an outside threat continued to be a motivating factor in Khyorgan's political landscape. Prominently, much of Andavronia would come under Segaran influence after an Abomination invasion of Andavronia was only stopped due to the intervention of the Segaran Technocracy. When the Interplanar Empires collapsed and Khyorgan entered a dark age, the Abominations became even more threatening.
Following the collapse of Segara and, shortly after, the other Magitek Empires, the Abominations would have somewhat of a resurgence. When the Demon Wars came, the Golden Empire of Creation was among the many nations invaded by Demonic armies, but they were victorious over the invading armies. Once the war was over, the Abominations would take opportunities to strike war-torn regions, such as the struggling Orcish tribes in the Desert of Lexighor.
One such area in northwest Obreidhion would be united by the Theyri Dynasty into the Kingdom of Taurya, and would present a united front against the Abomination threat. The population of Taurya had dealt with the Abomination problem for generation upon generation, and the people were far from lacking in motivation to rally together when a call was made for crusades to be waged against the Abominations. King Theyri IV lead the Abomination Crusades, first driving the Abominations from Obreidhion, then sailing to Lexighor to do the same. The Tauryans quickly found allies wherever they went willing to join in and fight against the Golden Empire of Creation and free themselves from the terror of their presence.
As the crusades came to a close, the Abominations found themselves relegated to only the northern expanse of Dhelarushick. This began a stalemate where neither the Southern Khyorganese peoples would expand to Dhelarushick, nor the Abominations exert any further influence in Southern Khyorgan. However with every passing year, the Southern Khyorganese peoples grew more technologically adept and powerful and the idea of claiming resources in Dhelarushick became more tempting.