
Khyorgan was a major continent of Erudite, consisting of several smaller continents and islands. Khyorgan was the second largest region in Erudite in terms of landmass and was home to many people, races, cultures and empires.
The original inhabitants of Khyorgan were quite alien to the races of Valordyn, Brumal, and Rairugon alike. Among them were the mysterious, dragon-like Sentinels, flying, serpentine magical beings who believed it was their duty to guard Khyorgan from threats. From the island continent Mildhurian at the heart of Khyorgan came the Qilins, fearsome, flightless, falcon-like predators. From the caves below Dhelarushick emerged the Abominations, a fierce caste society of beings created by the Primordial Malcide. Magma golems, titanic in size, sprung forth from the volcanoes of Mrigae. Lastly, from the treacherous marshes of Boegaden emerged the Haazrade, a warlike race of strong, primitive swamp-dwellers.
In ancient history, these indigenous races mostly lived in isolation, extremely distant from eachother, and their interactions were rare. For centuries, most of Khyorgan remained wild, untamed, unexplored land where no mortal had ever set foot. Eventually, however, this era would come to an end.
From Valorum, the Elves were the first foreign mortals to colonize Khyorgan. These settlers and explorers' elven physiologies allowed them to rapidly adapt to their new homes. They became the Moon Elves of the Ringshadow Isles, the Snow Elves in the Khios Mountains, and the Sand Elves of the Amacata Desert.
The elves were soon followed by the Dwarves, who settled Archei. Orcs came soon after, but disputes with the elves and dwarves lead them to be relegated to the harsh Desert of Lexighor. After this came the Humans, who arrived first in Obreidhion, but spread across much of Khyorgan.
After humans, Halflings came to Khyorgan. They first lived near the dwarves of Archei, but soon their population grew beyond what the hills could sustain and they emigrated to the peninsula Ibrin in Andavronia. The Maliekt, a burrowing insect people, and the Byn'makha, a semiaquatic reptilian race, arrived soon after.
These expat races often found themselves unable to mesh well with their indigenous hosts. Bloodshed between the new settlers and the Abominations, Qilin, and Haazrade was frequent. Though the Haazrade only attacked intruders who (knowingly or unknowingly) approached their homelands, Qilin warriors and Abominations would set out to raid distant settlements for their own gain.
Magitek Boom
In an extremely short time period, known as the "Magitek Boom", several powerful empires were built on the back of Magitek. The most well-known of these were the Segaran Technocracy, Aurum Confederacy, Empire of the Red Tower, and Empire of Shai-shan.
These nations, larger and more powerful than any non-native civilization ever before seen on Khyorgan, expanded out rapidly and conquered miles upon miles of land. The Empire of the Red Tower enslaved humans, byn'makha, and maliekt in Obreidhion, conquering the east of the continent up to the Amacata Desert. Even the gargantuan, formidable Golems of Mrigae were brought low by the power of the Magitek Empires, being enslaved by the Shai-shan.
The power of these nations was unstable, however, and late into the Magitek Era, the Segarans vanished. In the resulting power vacuum, a war broke out between the Aurum Confederacy and the Empire of Shai-shan, hurtling Khyorgan into a Dark Age.
The Khyorgan Dark Age
While the Aurum Confederacy and Shai-shan waged war against one another to the west, the Empire of the Red Tower was annihilated by nation-wide slave revolts in the east, and the abominations swept across Khyorgan's north. Much of the vast knowledge the world obtained during the Magitek era was lost during the Dark Age, as war and economic collapse swept every continent. The Dark Age ended all large-scale trade between Khyorgan and the other continents.
Medieval Era
As the Dark Age wound down, new nations sprung up from the carnage. The Kingdom of Taurya and Kingdom of Polvora in Obreidhion, Andavronian Confederacy in Andavronia, and Archei Clans in Lexighor were prominent Medieval Khyorganese civilizations which rose to power following the end of the Magitek empires.
As the Medieval Era nations wrapped up the last of the problems the Dark Age had caused them, they began to expand outwards and forge their own empires. A Tauryan by the name of King Theyri IV created the Theyrian Empire and expelled the native Qilins of the Gomchar Empire from the island of Mildhurian, where they had ruled unchallenged since before humans ever stepped foot in Khyorgan. The Allied Khionic Monasteries, Clan Permulaan, and Karang Batu also emerged during this time.
Demon Wars
- Main article: Demon Wars
The Demon Wars were a network of conflicts which took place not just in Khyorgan, but also in Eidyn, along with other environments of the world. Abraxas and the Shadow Force lead an army of Demons in a mass assault against the mortal races.
Various Khyorganese and Eidynese civilizations were able to come together and defeat their demonic assailants, but not without a great cost. Entire polities, such as the Kingdom of Taurya and United Orcish Tribes of Gorholl, were snuffed out.
Renaissance Era
The Khyorganese Renaissance was a period of time in which new nations replaced the old ones which had been destroyed by the war; Though new friendships had been established by the war, territory and resources claimed from the Demons became a subject of dispute, and the seeds of conflict came to sprout during this time period. Many nations were wracked with economic problems in the face of the immense cost of the Demon Wars, and some sought to expand their control and obtain new sources of income from foreign lands, such as Polvora's colonization of the South Nautilus Isles.
Khyorgan had six regions large enough top be considered continents.
- Andavronia - Andavronia was a a small continent to the far south of mainland Khyorgan, which was originally an island until it collided with Obreidhon.
- Lexighor - Lexighor was situated to the northwest of Andavronia and southwest of the inland Gomchar Sea. It was connected to Obreidhion by a narrow land bridge.
- Obreidhion - Obreidhion was a continent covered mainly in desert and makes up most of the southeast. Obreidhion was home to many of Khyorgan's most powerful nations, such as Amicalis, and the Kingdom of Polvora.
- Dhelarushick - Dhelarushick was the largest continent and made up the northern part of Khyorgan's mainland. It was separated from the southern continents by Gomchar, the inland sea which contained Mildhurian.
- Yamtherici-Xen'hivith - Yamtherici and Xen'hivith were large landmasses separated by a channel of water known as Thamkithick.
- Mrigae - Mrigae was a continent which once formed the heart of the Empire of Shai-shan. Though Shai-shan was long gone by the time of the Demon Wars, the golems they once enslaved remained on the island, presenting a potential for extreme danger to those who managed to breach Mrigae's magical barrier protection and survive its other dangerous inhabitants. Mrigae's hostile conditions made it unsuitable for any modern civilizations by the time of the Khyorganese Renaissance.
Seas and Oceans
- Gomchar Sea - The Gomchar Sea, also known as the Varheid Sea, was a small sea around Mildhurian, which was at the heart of Khyorgan.
- Nautilus Ocean - The Nautilus Ocean was a large ocean which encompasses the majority of Khyorgan's surface. The four main continents were found at the heart of this ocean.
Islands and Skylands
Beyond the continents which surrounded the Varheid Sea, there were many isles in the unexplored stretches of the Nautilus Ocean. The vast majority of this ocean is unexplored, and legend says that entire continents lie hidden in mist or forgotten under the waves. The skies are also home to mysterious, floating masses of land known as "skylands," animated by unknown magic.
- Taivor - Taivor was a series of islands off the west coast of Dhelarushick, home to several colonies of the Polvorans.
- Shai Archipelago - Also called the North Nautilus Islands, the Shai Archipelago was a collection of islands to the east of Mrigae. It was once home to the Empire of Shai-Shan before the Golem Rebellion and war with the Aurum Confederacy.
- The Triangle - The Triangle consisted of three small islands where many travelers stop while going to and from Valordyn.
- Atonicka - Atonicka was an island of Amicalis to the east of Obreidhion. Atonicka was overrun by thick jungle terrain, and blasted by hurricane winds from the open sea to the east, making it largely uninhabited up until the Diesel Age.
- South Nautilus Isles - The South Nautilus Islands were a chain of islands to the south of the Gibral Peninsula, making them ripe colonial targets for the Kingdom of Polvora.
- Ringshadow Isles - The Ringshadow Isles were a series of islands far south of mainland Khyorgan. The Ringshadow Isles were so named because they fell under the shadow of Erudite's ring, Isha’s Grace, causing a chilly climate quite in contrast to its surroundings to the north and south
The below civilizations are organized by what age they were founded in. Names in italics were no longer extant by the time of the Khyorganese Renaissance.
Creation Era
Sentinel Empire
The Sentinel Empire is the Sentinel government. It was ruled by the Sentinel Core from the Sky Fortress, until they were destroyed during the Demon Wars, ending Sentinel civilization and leaving only a few surviving sentinels scattered throughout the world.
The Root Carvers
The Root Carvers were a mysterious race from the Creation Era that made carvings and cities under the World Tree. They existed in the caves formed by the tree's roots, the full extent of which remain unexplored. They were known to Mortals only through their ruins, leaving their true identity a mystery.
Immigration Era
Magitek Era
Segaran Technocracy
Empire of Shai-Shan
The Dark Age
The Shadow Force
The Shadow Force was a sinister organisation that wants to see Khyorgan being turned into a paradise for demons and undead. They had troops and cells all over Khyorgan and attempted to influence almost every nation and every race on Khyorgan from the inside. They collapsed following the Demon Wars.
Garchom Empire
This was once a powerful empire, centred on Mildhurian and ruled by Qilins. King Theyri IV conquered Mildhurian and destroyed the Garchom Empire to found the Theyrian Empire.
Amicalis is a land in eastern Obreidhion which was formerly under the control of the Empire of the Red Tower, until the large slave populace revolted and established their own nation in the final years of the Khyorgan Dark Age. Amicalis is a technologically forward nation, with innovations such as steam-propelled warships and trains helping them to remain a formidable power.
Medieval Era
Kingdom of Polvora
The Kingdom of Polvora was a nation in southern Obreidhion. They have formed a vast seafaring empire in the oceans to the south and explored the deserts to the north. Polvora's colonial pursuits in the South Nautilus Isles and Taivor were points of contention between the Polvorans and other peoples.
Kingdom of Taurya
Taurya was a powerful nation that ruled much of western Obreidhon for several centuries. However, after several wars with the Theyrian Empire and the attempted Demon conquest of the plane, their once-legendary military force was shattered and the Theyrians annexed them.
Archei Clans
The Archei Clans were a collection of Dwarven clans that formed a powerful and rich confederacy. As their name suggests, they came from the mountains of Archei.
United Orcish Tribes of Gorholl
Imperial Era
Theyrian Empire
The Theyrian Empire was a mainly Human-run empire centred on the island of Mildhurian. It was created by King Theyri IV, an exiled leader of the ancient Kingdom of Taurya famous for his crusades against the Abominations. He founded the empire after conquering Mildhurian from the Qilins, who back then were a barbaric race of flesh-eaters.
Clan Permulaan
A colony of Halflings found in the island chain of Kesuma, the Permulaan Halflings were explorers and hunters who valued honour, teamwork and cooperation. They lived in small villages and have very little technological sophistication, though their ships were highly advanced.
Kingdom of Karang Batu
The Kingdom of Karang Batu was a relatively minor civilization found on Karang Batu and some of the other South Nautilus Islands. They were originally a tribal society similar in structure to Clan Permulaan of Kesuma, but thanks to their use of Segaran technology, they rose in technological power far faster than they should have and soon became poised on the brink of civil war.
Allied Khionic Monasteries
Orcish Alliance of New Gorholl
The Orcish tribes of the deserts of Lexighor formed a loose confederacy to consolidate the scattered remnants of the great confederacy that was Gorholl.
Confederacy of the South Nautilus Isles
In the South Nautilus Isles during the events of the War of Khyorgan, a once-powerful mercenary organization was attacked by the Abyssal Machine while retreating from a disastrous battle against the Demons. Stranded on Karang Batu, they used Segaran technology to build an imposing fleet and formed the Confederacy of the South Nautilus Isles, an organization of pirates and mercenaries which commanded the waters south of Karang Batu.
Khyorgan has a completely unique biology, since life here was created independently of the First Plane thanks to the use of the Aard'Vorn known as the Eye of Long.
- Asgard Tree: There was only one known individual of this species. See World Tree.
- Karnoflore: TBA
- Nimbus tree: These trees were born aloft by sacs of hydrium, and float in massive aerial forests.
- Cetusky: Majestic, floating, whale-like creatures, Skyrons were considered sacred and could live to be a thousand years old.
- Jaëger: Jaëgers were predatory, pack-hunting bipeds found across much of Andavronia and southern Lexighor. They were the Khyorganese equivalent of wolves.
- Saurian: Found in parts of Obreidhion, these gigantic predators are larger relatives of Jaëgers. They were frequently used as mounts by the Polvorans.
- Hinust Occupying the same spot in the ecosystem as the Jaëger east of the Amacata Desert, the Hinust is a furry, somewhat canine-esque predator with facial features similar to a mole, which hunted in packs. Hinust were a light brown color, with a white underbelly and black stripe across their back, and weighed around 60-75 lbs, or 27 to 34 kg.
- Werewyrm: Found in deserts to the east, these huge, serpent-like beasts were known to be very similar to the Sentinels. Whether or not they're related or the product of convergent evolution is unknown.
- Alleghor: A close relative of the Werewyrm, the Alleghor was a serpentine predator found in the Amacata Desert and historically across much of Khyorgan's deserts. It tunneled in the sand and sprays poison at it's prey. It could also fatally electrocute animals.
- Butanaga: A dragon-like creature found on the islands of Kesuma. Hunted by Clan Permulaan.
- Octhokrey: This massive aquatic predator resembled a squid, but it is much larger than any squids known from Eidyn and had between six and fourteen tentacles.
- Swiftrunner: A gliding, herbivorous biped found south of the Gomchar Sea, the Swiftrunner was a very common sight for Khyorganese travellers and a favourite meal for Saurians and Jaëgers. There were five varieties of Swiftrunner:
- Common Swiftrunner: The standard Swiftrunner found across the south of continental Khyorgan. They were extremely common and often found in plains and savannas. They fed on grass, trees and shrubs, though in a drought they would eat almost anything. Their chief predators were Jaëgers and Saurians. Recently, they have been introduced to Eidyn and have quickly turned into an invasive species.
- Amacatan Swiftrunner: A variety of Swiftrunner adapted for the harsh and unforgiving Amacatan Desert. They were the smallest of the Swiftrunners. An Amacatan Swiftrunner could go for between 7 and 21 days without water, though even with these adaptations, few crossed the heart of the desert and live. They were very uncommon in the wild, thanks to overcapture by the Picos and, later, the Taulans.
- Mountain Swiftrunner: Found in the Archei Mountains and built to survive these majestic but merciless mountains. Their gliding abilities made them especially light-footed and nimble, a useful trait in avoiding deadly falls. They also have far denser fur than other Swiftrunners. Commonly tamed by Dwarves.
- Garchom Swiftrunner: Garchom Swiftrunners were the rarest kind of Swiftrunner. They were found only on islands and beaches of the Garchom Sea. They were the only Swiftrunners known to be amphibious, having adapted their wings into flippers. Their specialized adaptations to life on the beaches and islands have meant they were extremely sensitive to habitat loss.
- Domestic Swiftrunner: Descended from the Common Swiftrunner, these farm animals could be found nowhere in the wild. They were bred for their long hair, useful for producing clothing, and their nutritious and delicious milk. These eventually became the most common Swiftrunner, and they could be seen in captivity as far afield as Andavronia and the Shai Archipelago. They were one of the two Swiftrunner varieties accidentally introduced to Eidyn.
- Burbarst: Large hogs, some of which were domesticated into Amicalis Pigs.
- King Burbarst: An especially large, but rare subspecies that could grow to a maximum of 1,100 lbs (500 kg) and 5 feet tall (1.65 meters) at the shoulder.
- Entherd: A large gavialid crocodilian, between 3.5 and 5 meters (11.5 and 16.5 ft) in length and with a green coloration, only found in the northern bogs of the Oceanhead and Bezard jarldoms.
- Blomoros: A coastal crustacean of Amicalis with a somewhat irregular pentagon shell, colored pink and white, the Blomoros would sunbathe in the day and then submerge itself in the cooler depths, attracting leeches to eat with it's false body heat.
- Thaurogont: Native to the savannas of Amacata, the mighty Thaurogont was a behemoth-sized herbivore and sometimes a meal for Saurians. It was roughly the size of an Eidynese elephant and was partly responsible for the general lack of trees in the savanna, due to its love of wood and leafy foliage. Historically, they were tamed as beasts of war, but as technology displaced their usefulness, they found themselves used only by the Taulan and Picos tribes, and, soon enough, not at all. Two subspecies are recognized:
- Savannah Thaurogont: The larger, more famous kind.
- Forest Thaurogont: A lesser-known variation that lived in dense jungles in Andavronia. Very rare.
- Theyri's Jaeger: A predator known from the northern shore of the Garchom Sea, named after King Theyri IV. Despite the name, it was not closely related to the true Jaegers.
- Pentacorn: A massive beast similar to a cross between a rhinoceros and a ceratopsian dinosaur, the Pentacorn was a large herbivore found mainly in the Amacatan Savannah. Though generally a peaceful grazer, its deadly head of horns was the last thing many an overconfident Jaëger ever saw.
- Thoach: A nocturnal hippopotamus known to charge people, and capable of swift charges despite its semiaquatic nature. Thoach could be found in both the eastern and western savannas of Amacata.
- Tonittor: A gigantic turtle that preyed on all but the largest of pachyderms, and relied on its armored shell to protect it from their hooves, tusks, and teeth. The Tonittor's shell protected it from swords, maces, axes, arrows, and low caliber gunfire, but its immense weight obligates the Tonittor to be an ambush predator.
- Vesont: A large deinotheriate terrible beast pachyderm, used as a war animal by Amicalis prior to the Diesel Age.
- Buffalox: A common ranch animal known for its hide and meat.
- Oxtaur: A subspecies of Buffalox. Oxtaur have larger horns and are far more aggressive.
- Simlan: A large, golden-haired, quadrapedal predator native to Andavronia.
- Karakai: A massive beetle-like animal found in deserts north of the Garchom Sea, as big as a horse and with the ability to fly. Traditionally ridden by Theyrian warriors, now only rarely found in captivity. Critically endangered in the wild due to being hunted by Demons in the war.
- Climber Bear: A human-sized tan bear adapted to climb rocks, found mostly in the Eastern Range.
- Gomlid: A red, bipedal amphibian with opposable thumbs native to the mountains of Amicalis.
- Tonacer: A metallic, chrome creature, whose carapace reflected the harmful rays from the sun and snow. The Tonacer had a square body and four legs, with five eyes. It was found in the high mountains of Amicalis, and possibly the Khios Mountains as well.
- Dyncha A poisonous frog that often stood on two legs, and could grow to considerable size. Found exclusively on the Obreidhion island of Atonicka. A distant relative of the Gomlid.
- Serther: A titanic serpent, that could grow to 35 feet in length, found within jungles.
- Tanage: A brilliantly colored Casuariidaen bird from the coasts of the island of Atonicka.
- Phoaldilt: A large, fast, dark brown scorpion creature with a legspan of around 2 feet (0.65 meters), its trail curves under it's body instead of above it, to allow it to sting shelled prey. The Phoaldilt had only one cyclopean eye, and was found within the caves below Amicalis, east of the Amacata Desert.
- Etelmit: Three feet (one meter) long from head to tail, the Etelmit was a eurypterid that inhabited flooded cave systems, it could be found primarily in Obreidhion, especially in Amicalis.
Immigrant Races
- Human: The Human race was, along with the various Elven species, one of the more dominant races in Khyorgan and thus could be found almost anywhere, although their privileges depend on the nation they reside in.
- Polvoran: Polvorans were a subrace of Humans formed when elves and humans of the Gibral Peninsula interbred with one another. They tended to have light bronze to dark skin, and most of them had pointed ears.
- Tarrbuskan: Tarrbuskans were an ethnic group from Tarrbusk, a region of Amicalis consisting of most of the forests and plains of the east.
- Alraithian: The Alraithians were a human race derived from the west of Amicalis, Alraith. They were pale skinned, with ulotrichous hair and broad noses, and their homeland consisted of savannas, velds, and deserts.
- Elf: Several races of Elf exist in Khyorgan.
- Moon Elf: Moon Elves were descended from seafairing settlers from Valorum. In Khyorgan, they were mostly associated with Naticidia, an order of moon elves living in the Ringshadow Isles, whose researchers sometimes traveled throughout Khyorgan's more civilized regions to learn more about the world.
- High Elf
- Wood Elf
- Kronos Elf
- Vulcan Elf: Vulcan Elves arrived from Heznland under the banner of the Empire of the Red Tower, and pillaged and enslaved other races upon their arrival. Vulcan Elves were driven out of Khyorgan in huge numbers following the collapse of the Empire of the Red Tower, but some remained afterwards.
- Dwarf: Dwarves were the rulers of the Archei Mountains. They could be found across Khyorgan, but they were most at home underground, in their mines.
- Orc: Orcs were a race that lived in the Desert of Lexighor. They were frequently targets of prejudice from other races of Khyorgan, who wrongly associated them with the demons or with Khyorgan's hostile indigenous mortals, such as the Haazrade and Qilin.
- Halfling: Halflings were a short, skinny race of man found throughout Khyorgan, but especially in the South Nautilus Isles, where many lived tribal lifestyles.
- Demon (?)
- Maliekt: The maliekt were a race of burrowing insect people from Gricsyn. The origins of the maliekt before their arrival to Khyorgan are unclear, it is possible they rapidly evolved through some means from more primitive beings from the United Plane.
- Byn'makha: The byn'makha were a race of semiaquatic reptilians with long, thin snouts for catching fish.
Native Races
- Sentinels: These magical, dragon-like creatures hailed from The Sky Fortress and were considered the guardians of Khyorgan. They were almost entirely wiped out during the Demon Wars.
- Qilin: In the later eras of Erudite, Qilins were mostly a race of scholars and religious figures, but they had a bloody history. They originated on the island of Mildhurian, and were originally organized into warrior clans. However, one clan was able to conquer all the others, and the united Qilins ventured across the Garchom Sea in the midst of the Dark Age. They formed an empire and ruled the shores of Garchom until the dawn of the Imperial Era, when King Theyri IV was exiled to the edge of their territory. The Tauryans considered him as good as dead. Incredibly, though, Theyri IV was able to gather up an army and conquered Mildhurian, founding the Theyrian Empire and exiling the Qilins from their land. With their military prowess, their empire and their honour lost, many Qilins turned to more peaceful pursuits, slowly transforming into their more peaceful modern-day counterparts. However, some Qilins still harkened to their warlike past, and tribes of Qilin warriors roamed the area south of the Garchom Sea and wait for a chance to reclaim what is rightfully theirs - Mildhurian and the Garchom Sea.
- Golems: The Golems were an ancient race of colossal elemental creatures. The Empire of Shai-shan enslaved many golems in Mrigae, but after their disastrous war with the Aurum Confederacy, Shai-shan no longer had the resources to contain or control their powerful former servants.
- Abominations: Abominations were a race of beings that had to alter the bodies and minds of other creatures to increase their population; Abominations were once quite common and deadly in Khyorgan's more hostile deserts, the Amacata Desert and Desert of Lexighor, but in the wake of the Abomination Crusades they consolidated their power in Dhelarushick.
- Haazrade: Haazrade were a race of bipedal, squarish, archaic mammals, with large, powerful arms that allowed them to swing through the trees of their homeland, Boegaden, in northeastern Obreidhion. They were known for their brutality and strength, as well as their primitive society.
Continents |
Nations, organizations and sects |
Inhabitants |
Native Races: Sentinel • Hazraade • Golem • Abomination • Quillen |
Mountain Ranges | |
Bodies of Water |
Nautilus Ocean • Varheid Sea • Dherenghar • Pheghk-Minx • Lirhk-Winorth • Thamkithick |
Islands |
Mrigae • Shai Archipelago • Taivor • South Nautilus Isles (Karang Batu) • Atonicka |